Are you experiencing anxiety because you're not sleeping, or are you not sleeping because of the anxiety? This is an understandably confusing part of the problem. In fact, there is a synergistic relationship between the two, and after a while it really doesn't matter which came first: The sleeplessness or the anxiety.
Well, to Dr. Carl Nicoleau, your new sleep medicine expert at NYC Sleep Lab, these things matter a whole lot. It's the only way he can help you solve the more complex physical and mental issues at hand. Unlike many physicians, Dr. Nicoleau is not interested in prescribing your problems away. Here is a doctor who aims to get to the root of every issue, including such elusive afflictions as anxiety, and specifically how it relates to sleep.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, here are some helpful tips to reduce anxiety and stress, and to sleep more soundly:
- Meditate. Focus on your breath — breathe in and out slowly and deeply — and visualize a serene environment such as a deserted beach or grassy hill.
- Exercise. Regular exercise is good for your physical and mental health. It provides an outlet for frustrations and releases mood-enhancing endorphins. Yoga can be particularly effective at reducing anxiety and stress.
- Prioritize your to-do list. Spend your time and energy on the tasks that are truly important, and break up large projects into smaller, more easily managed tasks. Delegate when you can.
- Play music. Soft, calming music can lower your blood pressure and relax your mind and body.
- Get an adequate amount of sleep. Sleeping recharges your brain and improves your focus, concentration, and mood.
- Direct stress and anxiety elsewhere. Lend a hand to a relative or neighbor, or volunteer in your community. Helping others will take your mind off of your own anxiety and fears.
- Talk to someone. Let friends and family know how they can help, and consider seeing a doctor or therapist.
No-Stress Sleep Tips:
- Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority. Block out seven to nine hours for a full night of uninterrupted sleep, and try to wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.
- Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. Avoid stimulants like coffee, chocolate, and nicotine before going to sleep, and never watch TV, use the computer, or pay bills before going to bed. Read a book, listen to soft music, or meditate instead.
- Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Consider using a fan to drown out excess noise, and make sure your mattress and pillows are comfortable.
- Use your bedroom as a bedroom — not for watching TV or doing work — and get into bed only when you are tired. If you don’t fall asleep within 15 minutes, go to another room and do something relaxing.
- Regular exercise will help you sleep better, but limit your workouts to mornings and afternoons.
- Avoid looking at the clock. This can make you anxious in the middle of the night. Turn the clock away from you.
- Talk to your doctor if you still have problems falling asleep. You may need a prescription or herbal sleep remedy.